Good Morning Good Morninr It is Thursday!
Hi There the sky is just starting to lighten up! Ive been up for an hour already just cruisin facebook! I also have been thinking about getting a cup of coffee!
My 88 yr old cousin is flying back to Michigan this morning! My sister cant be happier! Me too! This cousin has been so rude to me and my sister! Also to other people it is so sad! She has her wits about her but wants people to wait in her hand and foot! I wouldnt do it! I decided I wouldnt take the rudeness to me or when we would go out so i stayed away! And she wondered why????? Nobody tells me what to do! You ask politely. You dint cut in front of someone without saying excuse me! Just dont cut them off in a line. Dont tell me what to buy in a grocery store or talk about my weight! She said oh I see you are keeping your weight off! Wouldnt offer to buy groceries or pay for a tank of gas when we would go somewhere. Either we would take my car or my sisters car. I stopped going after the first week she was here. I always paid for myself! It was just getting to much!
I told my sister that she had to tell her that everyone had to fend for themselves!
Ok im off my rant!
But before I go I always take care ofvthe people I stay with with groceries, gas or what ever Is needed without asking!!!!! It is just cimmin curtesy! And for meals out!
The day is young Ill check back!
Oh man I hope the snow stays at bay on Tuesdsy! We are heading to Denver thru Mississippi andvthru Texas and North! We will be in Denver for a week or less then driving to Chicago for a bsby fix! Im not sure how ling we are staying there!
Oh good luck to your daughters surgery. It is coming up faster than you realize! Is it going to be done in Florida?
I think you have Wheels not feet you are always on the go good for you that's why we worked all those years so when we retire we can get up and go any time have a good time
Yes her surgery is in Florida wish I could be there but she said he husband is home he is retied from the Army after 20 some odd years I will keep you posted
Now go and have a safe trip

Good morning Carla and Maryann and all my beautiful OFF sistas!
The sun is shining here and it's a wee *****illy, but promises to warm up this afternoon. I just LOVE springtime! It makes me happy.
Today we are going to the new house to do some yard work. We're going to cut down some much overgrown shrubs. They just need to go. And work on a section of the back fence. And we're bringing the lawn mower, too. Mike needs to learn how to mow the yard.
Still feeling excited and anxious about my pending surgery. Wish we could just get this show on the road!
Nothing much else happening here today. Love you all!